
The perils of not making a Will

What do Michael Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Picasso, Jimi Hendrix, Stieg Larsson and Robert Homes a Court all have in common? You would be forgiven for thinking, not much. But in fact they do—all six died intestate which means, they died without leaving a Will. Even the rich and famous can fail to plan ahead when it… Read More

Marijuana and the Law

You may well have heard someone say “Marijuana is legal now – it is legal in Canberra, it has been decriminalised in New South Wales. You just aren’t allowed to sell it.” Is this true? Well, in simplistic terms – no! Marijuana (or ‘cannabis’ as it known in law enforcement circles) is illegal everywhere in… Read More

Immunisation and Family Law

  Some Australian parents have recently begun to question whether to immunise their children, expressing concerns about possible side-effects risks associated with childhood vaccinations.  But what happens if parents are separated and can’t agree?   Background Childhood vaccines, introduced in 1932, are said to have greatly reduced illness and deaths from diseases such as whooping… Read More

The importance of character references in a Court case

If you know someone who is being sentenced in Court and they ask you for a character reference do you know what to do? The purpose of a character reference for a person who has pleaded guilty to a criminal or traffic matter is to being to the Courts attention details of good character about… Read More

Can you be separated and live under the same roof?

Before a person can apply for a divorce they have to be able to establish to the Family Court that their marriage has irretrievably broken down. This can be established if the Court is satisfied that the parties to the marriage have separated and have lived separately and apart for a continuous period of not… Read More