NSW has 3 blood alcohol limits:- Zero applies to all learner drivers, all Provisional 1 drivers & all Provisional 2 drivers. 0.02 applies to drivers of vehicles of ‘gross vehicle mass’ greater than 13.9 tonnes, drivers of vehicles carrying dangerous...
Divorce breaks the legal bonds of marriage between a couple. It does NOT deal with matters such as where the children will live, maintenance & the division of property. These are separate issues. The only grounds for divorce is “irretrievable breakdown of...
1. There is an automatic 50-50 split after a marriage ends. Answer: No. The Court considers the contribution of each partner towards purchasing & improving assets as well as the needs of the partners, when deciding the percentage split. 2. If I leave I’ll...
The most common criminal charges “summary offences” are heard by a Magistrate in a Local Court. The nearest Local Courts are located at Mudgee, Gulgong, Rylstone & Dunedoo. The case for the Police is presented by a Police Prosecutor or a Director of...
Normally the law requires a person to either plead guilty or not guilty to a charge. A person can also apply to have a charge dismissed if there is evidence that he/she is: developmentally disabled o suffering from a mental illness or suffering from a mental condition...